We are here for you.
We are a loving, affirming and accepting congregation doing our best to love as Jesus loved.
“We are a community of Hope: Respecting and Celebrating the value of all people and Proclaiming the Good News, that through Jesus Christ, God calls us all to share in his Kingdom on Earth.
We Worship a Loving God
- Member of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
- The Greater Anglican Communion
We follow the liturgies of the Book of Common Prayer according to the use of The Episcopal Church. Our beliefs and liturgies places God, Jesus, his Son, and the Holy Spirit at the center of our worship and values all as Children of God.
Step Inside and Get to Know Us
- All are Welcome
- LGBTQ+ Affirming
- All are on a Faith Journey with Christ showing us the way
Our congregants are all ages come from all walks of life, and from around the world. We want the world to know that it is our People who make the church. Our building is a gathering place for all children of God.
This is God's Table
This is the banquet of the Lamb. It was made ready for those who love Him and who want to love Him more. So, Come, you who have much faith, and you who have little, You who have been here often; You who have not been here long. You who have tried to follow and you who have failed. Come, because it is the Lord who invites you. It is His will that those who want him should meet Him here.
Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church. Reverend Kathy Swain will begin the Sunday service at 9am Central Time. Please join us in person if you are able at 715 Millington Street, Winfield Kansas. If you are unable to join us in person, please join us virtually below.