Grace Episcopal Church

Winfield, KS

About Us

The Episcopal Church

What Makes us Episcopalians?

Episcopalians are first and foremost Christians.  We believe God has created us, and we proclaim and follow Jesus as Lord.  We believe God is active in our day-to-day lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is a great breadth of diversity in the Episcopal Church. We might be Anglo-Catholic, Evangelical, Charismatic, conservative or liberal. We might be different races or sexual orientations. Yet, we all sit side-by-side in the pews, worshipping together. A difference in opinion, belief, or culture does not mean there is division. In fact, it means we love each other for the people we are.  The love Jesus has is for all people, and we share this love with others.  All are welcome in the Episcopal Church.

The Episcopal Shield

The church is the body of which Christ is the head and all baptized people are the members.  The church is a community of faith and commitment of those who gather to worship and serve in the name of Jesus.  We are part of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide fellowship of independent churches in communion together.

All Anglican churches are drawn together by a common belief in:

•  Scripture as the revealed Word of God;
•  The Nicene and Apostle’s creed as sufficient statements of Christian belief;
•  The celebration of the seven sacraments of the church, with special emphasis the two instituted by Jesus which are Baptism and Eucharist;
•  The apostolic ministry of bishops, priests and deacons in the life of teaching and service in the church;
•  The use of scripture, church tradition and reason in matters of belief and practice.

Our Worship

In worship, Episcopalians sit, kneel, stand, sing, pray aloud and pray silently.  Some bow and make the sign of the cross; others do not.

We use the Book of Common Prayer, The Hymnal, and (in many places) a service bulletin.  These tools are designed to help us worship and pray together, something very important to Episcopalians.

Our worship includes the participation of all the people. The Prayer Book (and the service bulletin) will guide you in what to do and what to say or sing.  Our people are friendly and helpful.  If you would like help during the service, please ask someone for guidance.

See the Book of Common Prayer (the current version as well as historical versions).

Learn More

Visit the official website of the Episcopal Church